I'm feeling a little flakey right now. Lots of projects/end of the year stuff to finish up, and not a lot of time. My somewhat decent eating habits have gone down the drain. I've eaten a couple boxes of Girl Scout cookies on my own in the past week. Drinking too much coffee. But at least I'm taking a multivitamin.
I have some good recipes to post, but it probably won't happen for a few more days.
I've been on a few job interviews in the past 2 weeks. I think that one firm was probably looking for a 2L instead of a 3L, so I don't think I will be getting that job. Oh well, interviewing is good practice. They also wanted someone to work for them 40 hours/wk this summer, and that wouldn't be very doable while studying for the bar, so it's probably for the best.
I have another job lead, but have been playing phone tag with the possible employer, so I don't know if it's a good lead or not. Hopefully I will find out more today.
I've also interviewed with a couple legal temp agencies so that way I'm at the top of their list after the bar exam. At least if I'm working somewhere and making money (any money), I will be able to hold out longer while looking for a permanent job. I've been told that it could take between 6-12 months to find a law firm job in this economic climate. There are too many law schools in this area (which I already knew). So I definitely need to find a way to bring in some income while looking for that job. Especially once the student loans come due in December. *gulp!*
E has changed his plan for going to school. As of Fall 2009, he will probably be taking 11 credits/semester at a local university that has a more friendly night-class schedule for working adults. For the amount of money and time that he is spending at the Giant Bureaucracy University, he will be able to earn 11 credits at the Working-Adult-Friendly University. He has to switch his major from Engineering to a double major in Accounting and Math. But he is going to try it out for a year, and then after Spring 2010, we will have a better idea of whether an Engineering major will be possible. Since there are no more night classes available in his major at Giant Bureaucracy University, and because he gets tuition reimbursement, there is really nothing for him to lose by trying this out. He took a Myers Brigg test, and Accounting came up as a top career choice for him, so it's not a totally crazy idea.
E & I also found a church in our suburbia to join, so I am going to New Member Classes (E can't make it, because it's during his lab). It is making me feel more like I "belong" in our suburbia land. It's good to meet some of our neighbors.
Alright, I think that's all for now. I need to miraculously write a paper on Saturday. I woke up at 4:30 this morning and have been working on it until a few minutes ago, so I think it's possible that I will finish it tomorrow. Cross your fingers for me :)